Who We Serve
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* Prices may vary based on discounts/package pricing

Seeking optimal health and wellbeing
Lets face it, just existing in our modern world can sometimes feel like a high intensity sport. Whether you are trying to balance work and family, or trying to heal from old trauma, feel the difference at Eudaimonia. When we shift from just chasing symptoms to optimizing your nervous system, we help you get the most out of life. If you are overwhelmed, dysregulated, feeling less than your best, then find out how chiropractic can help you experience your full potential.
Signs you could benefit from nervous system based chiropractic care:
Brain fog
Muscle Tightness
Anxiety/ Stress
Lack of motivation/ difficulty meeting goals
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* Prices may vary based on discounts/package pricing

Healing from Pain-
especially chronic pain
If you have experienced an injury or are dealing with chronic symptoms then chiropractic can help you. With specific adjustments over a set period of time, we can help remove interference to your body's natural healing mechanisms allowing you to not only feel better, but actually heal.
Signs you could benefit from nervous system based chiropractic care:
Chronic muscle pain/ spasms
Old injuries that still cause pain
Chronic headaches/ migraines
Tendonitis or "overuse" injuries
Shoulder pain
Back and Neck Pain
GI Issues
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* Prices may vary based on discounts/package pricing

Infants and Children
Infancy and Childhood is when the brain is growing and changing the fastest it ever will in a lifetime! In order to support optimal development and provide ease and comfort, gentle pediatric chiropractic and craniosacral therapy can provide immense support.
Signs your child could benefit from nervous system based chiropractic care:
They are a kid with a growing brain!
Often dysregulated / Big feelings and moods
Fussy/ Gassy
Trouble sleeping
Trouble Latching / Feeding
Frequent colds/ illness
Developmental delays
Prolonged Labor/ Cesarean/ Assisted Delivery
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* Prices may vary based on discounts/package pricing

Pregnant Women
Chiropractic care is an essential part of a healthy pregnancy. Keeping mom's nervous system regulated and coordinated allows for optimal fetal development. As babies arrival approaches, chiropractic can help with balancing the pelvis to allow for baby to find optimal positioning leading to safer and more easefull delivery.
Signs you could benefit from nervous system based chiropractic care during pregnancy.
You are pregnant!
History of challenge in labor/ delivery
Hip, Back or Round Ligament pain.