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Maternity Leave Announcements

Updated: Sep 8, 2020

It takes a village! 

Hello flourishing friends,  August is here, and it's time for some reflection.  I have been reflecting about how good it feels to have help and support. Just to recap for you all, I opened Eudaimonia in January of this year, learned that I was pregnant in February, got married in May and all the while, was leading my baby practice through COVID-19 related challenges. If I had been trying to do any of these things alone, I would NOT be where I am now.  Currently, Eudaimonia is growing steadily like it would have without COVID, and my body is growing steadily, feeling healthy, happy and active through my pregnancy. And best of all, I am excited for the future, because I know that I have the support to get me through this transition. 

I am so thrilled to finally introduce the amazing Dr. Alandi Stec D.C.

I am privileged to introduce you to the fabulous chiropractor who will be coming to care for you all while I am on my maternity leave. Dr. Alandi and I met when she was teaching yoga classes at our chiropractic college while we were both students there. I was attracted to her kindness, passion and curious nature from the start. 

Please see the important dates below, and keep reading for more info about Dr. Alandi! 

Important dates!

  • October 1st 2020, Eudaimonia's office hours are shifting to the maternity leave hours. (Tuesday 1-7pm, and Saturday 9am-3pm) 

  • October 6, 2020, Dr. Evelyn's expected delivery date. I plan to be in the office until the baby is on it's way! 

  • January 5, 2020. My official return to the office- though I may be ready to come in a few shifts a little sooner! 

More about why I love Dr. Alandi

Dr. Alandi and I have a lot in common. We both see the body as whole system and address the tension patterns in that system in order to facilitate the bodies natural healing processes. We both seek the ease in the system and don't force movement to go "our way." We both love the ocean and the energy that nature has to offer. We both love to strength train and use our bodies in diverse ways. We are both somehow bubbly and calming. For all of these reasons, I have the highest confidence that Dr. Alandi will be a treasured visitor here at Eudaimonia.  I am ecstatic to be able to provide all of you with the opportunity to receive care from not only me, but from Dr. Alandi as well. Her perspective may be the thing that catapults you into the next level of optimal health. This will be a pivotal moment for so many who will realize that it really isn't about what I or Dr. Alandi does, but about what YOUR BODY is doing to heal and be well, and the power of chiropractic in aiding that process. To learn more, visit her website  and her Instagram.

Without the countless people who have been supporting me, and without Dr. Alandi's support during my maternity leave, I would not be able to support all of you! We are all threads in a beautiful woven blanket. Together we are strong, whole and functional. Apart, we just get tangled. 

I urge you to be grateful for all the people you have placed in your life who lift you up and allow you to bring your best self forward! 

We all need to be at our best! My promise is to continue to make it easier for you to find the ease. 

Take good care and let me know how I can serve you!  Love always,  Dr. Evelyn 

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